Why don’t people open their windows?

Natural ventilation is always a considered priority when SMA design buildings.

This is increasingly important in New Zealand as our insulation and airtightness standards have been updated over time, with more updates coming from MBIE.

However, surprise surprise – this can work against us without proper allowance and consideration at the design phase.  The more we seal our buildings up and insulate them, the higher the risks of:

1)    overheating and;

2)    mould caused by secondary moisture - meaning moisture created indoors through normal human activities... showers, cooking, laundry drying, and just the normal exhalations of moisture and heat from our bodies. click here for Level.org article

Some might say, "Well, why don’t people just leave their doors and windows open?"  The answer is, most people aren’t idiots – there are usually very good reasons why people don’t leave their windows open. For example:

-       security: particularly with housing remaining unoccupied during the day, while people are at work or school

-       children and pets escaping

-       ingress of insects

-       the wind tunnel effect, causing slamming doors, pictures being blown off walls, papers blown about.

If the above are reasons that are holding you back from opening up your house to natural ventilation, there are plenty of ways to mitigate these problems. Preferably these issues are addressed while the house is being designed but no matter your situation, SMA can help at any stage.

Got questions about how to make ventilation work better in your home? Feel free to get in touch!


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