Stephen Matthews Stephen Matthews

A tiny detail that made a difference


During a residential reclad and deck replacement project, there was a particular detail that stood out—one that, in its simplicity, made a lasting impact. The existing pond was a stunning feature, well-established with lush greenery that had become a focal point of the property.

The challenge was integrating a new deck without disturbing this natural beauty. The solution was simple: we designed the deck to meet the water’s edge, keeping the deck at the same level as the pond’s surface. This subtle detail has created a seamless, uninterrupted connection between the natural and built environments.

The beauty of this decision wasn’t about changing anything—it was about maintaining what was already there, preserving the harmony of the space. The new deck is a lovely addition, with a refined edge that tied everything together, but it feels like it had always been there, as if the pond and deck were one continuous experience.

It was a small gesture that made a big difference, and I was pleased with how it turned out.


I was working on a holiday home where security was a big concern. Holiday homes sit empty for weeks at a time, making them easy targets. The owners wanted protection, but I didn’t want to ruin the design with clunky security solutions.

The plan was aluminium sliding security screens over the openings —practical, effective. But the front door was different. It sat in a wall clad in Omaru stone, and covering that up would kill the impact.

So I came up with a simple fix: Run the sliding security screen behind the stone cladding, in an alcove formed by a double wall. This meant the stone stayed on full display, and the screen did its job without ruining the look.

It was a tiny detail, but it changed everything. The home stayed secure, without looking like a jail.


In my early 20s, I moved to London for my OE and worked on some incredible buildings, both new and historic. A detail that has stuck with me from those days wasn’t part of a grand design statement—it was something small but brilliant.

On a high-end residential project, we worked with a flooring fabricator who took their craft seriously. The floors were thick end-grain oak, meticulously laid parquet. One day we visited their factory, and they showed us a floor box they had designed themselves. It was a near-invisible cover for electrical outlets—no hinges, barely a millimeter of a gap, completely flush with the surface. It opened with a magnet: place it, twist, and lift.

I remember being thrilled. Not because it solved a problem—there wasn’t one—but because it was a detail done purely for the sake of doing something better. The fabricators didn’t want clunky, standard floor boxes disrupting their work. So they created their own.

That kind of thinking—taking something ordinary and refining it to the highest level—has stayed with me ever since. Sometimes, the smallest details leave the biggest impact.

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Stephen Matthews Stephen Matthews

Why don’t people open their windows?

Natural ventilation is always a considered priority when SMA design buildings.

This is increasingly important in New Zealand as our insulation and airtightness standards have been updated over time, with more updates coming from MBIE.

However, surprise surprise – this can work against us without proper allowance and consideration at the design phase.  The more we seal our buildings up and insulate them, the higher the risks of:

1)    overheating and;

2)    mould caused by secondary moisture - meaning moisture created indoors through normal human activities... showers, cooking, laundry drying, and just the normal exhalations of moisture and heat from our bodies. click here for article

Some might say, "Well, why don’t people just leave their doors and windows open?"  The answer is, most people aren’t idiots – there are usually very good reasons why people don’t leave their windows open. For example:

-       security: particularly with housing remaining unoccupied during the day, while people are at work or school

-       children and pets escaping

-       ingress of insects

-       the wind tunnel effect, causing slamming doors, pictures being blown off walls, papers blown about.

If the above are reasons that are holding you back from opening up your house to natural ventilation, there are plenty of ways to mitigate these problems. Preferably these issues are addressed while the house is being designed but no matter your situation, SMA can help at any stage.

Got questions about how to make ventilation work better in your home? Feel free to get in touch!

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Stephen Matthews Stephen Matthews

Why it's smart to start your project now

Why Now is a Great Time to Start Your Project

In December 2024, New Zealand's annual inflation rate was 2.2%, marking a slower increase compared to previous periods. Stats NZ This stability presents a unique opportunity for those considering new construction projects.

Why Start Now?

  1. Stable Pricing – With inflation rates steady, contractors may offer more predictable pricing, reducing the risk of unexpected cost increases.

  2. Lock in Costs – Securing your plans and consents now can help you take advantage of current pricing before any potential changes.

  3. Maximise Contractor Availability – With fewer projects in the pipeline, contractors may have more availability and flexibility to take on new work, which could lead to faster project timelines.

How We Can Help

At Stephen Matthews Architects, we're committed to assisting you through every step of your project, from initial design to obtaining consents. Starting now ensures you're well-prepared to take advantage of the current market conditions.

Let's begin your project today and turn your vision into reality.

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Stephen Matthews Stephen Matthews

Overheating in Medium Density Housing

Architects: Shaping Comfortable Homes from the Start

As Auckland's demand for medium-density housing grows, a critical design issue has come to light: many newly built townhouses are overheating during summer, making them uncomfortable to live in. Reports of indoor temperatures climbing to 30°C by evening highlight the importance of thoughtful design decisions right from the start.

This is where architects are essential. We bring a deep understanding of how homes interact with their environment, ensuring they are not just functional but also comfortable and sustainable. Through careful window placement, effective shading, natural ventilation, and considered material choices, we can design homes that remain cool in summer, warm in winter, and energy-efficient all year round.

It’s not just about compliance or hitting a budget—great design balances the needs of homeowners, developers, and the environment. When architects are involved early, we can ensure these homes deliver long-term livability and value for everyone involved.

What Can You Do If You’re Affected by Medium-Density Housing Overheating?

If you’re living in an overheating townhouse, come talk to us. We offer free initial consultations and would be happy to assist in brainstorming solutions tailored to your needs—whatever your budget may be. Whether it’s small adjustments or a larger retrofit, we’re here to help you turn your home into a more comfortable and enjoyable space.

The demand for housing is real, but so is the opportunity to get it right. By prioritizing good design from the outset and addressing existing issues with expert guidance, we can create homes that meet today’s needs and enhance comfort for years to come.

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